In 2018 I’m boycotting. No, it’s not a transportation system or establishment, but it’s an entire corrupt system: the NFL. This year I will NOT be watching the Super Bowl and I’m overjoyed about it. I actually couldn’t be happier and self-fulfilled. I haven’t watched a single NFL game this entire 2017-2018 season, beyond the glimpse or two that I can’t help when it’s on in a restaurant and in my face.
I have made a conscious decision to not support an organization who has time and time again not supported my black and brown marginalized brothers and sisters. When Colin Kaepernick spoke out against injustice, he was swiftly blackballed from the league even when his numbers surpass more than half of the current starting quarterbacks in the entire NFL. Since him, multiple players have said because they have chose to raise a first or take a knee, they too feel as though they have been ostracized from the NFL. Instead of using this as a call to action or teaching moment, the NFL has stayed relatively mum on the issue. It wasn’t until a directive in 2009 that standing for the national anthem even became a thing. And of course that was because money was involved. Why would I supposed an organization that doesn’t represent me or anything that I stand for? Beyond the injustice issues I have, I also don’t appreciate that 70% if the NFL is made up of black players and we have all the research in the world on concussion harmful effects, or CTE, and once again the NFL has turned a blind eye. Instead of using the issue to become a leader in safety and preventative measures, the NFL stays silent as players lose their cognitive abilities and their livelihood and entire families suffer as a result. Why? Because it’s all about the money of course. And lastly, let’s paint this picture. Seventy percent of the NFL is filled with players who are scared silent for fear of losing their jobs. Yet on Sundays and through the week they bash each other’s heads in for white “owners” and fans who can afford the tickets (mostly white.) That doesn’t sit well with me. It feels like a plantation game for the rich and they are getting enjoyment over black body misery. Something has got to give one way or another. I’ve enjoyed not watching the NFL this year, but I have coupled this extra time to learning more about the issues and the history of the league. Plus, the NBA season has been amazing thus far. Now if only my New York Knicks can figure it out. I think this may be our year.
Marquise Francislives by one word: achievement. in anything and everything, achieve. Archives
August 2021